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March 31st


Register today and save!


Event Details:

A fun time with friends. Bring some food and drinks, play bingo and "Steal" some gifts.

A gift auction will be there and other fabulous ways to win! Coffee and desserts will be provided!
This is an important event run by the band parent association every year that helps raise the $$ necessary to keep this program funded.


This program cannot run without your support and we truly appreciate every last dollar donated!
All Presale Tickets $20 per person or $200 per table. (Please send Venmo to @rhsbandbooster and add your table information in the comments section)

Reserve your tables of 10 today! (there are no occupancy issues as of now and we will update this if anything changes).


Bring a wrapped gift valued at $20


Tickets will be sold a the door at $25 p person


Doors Open at 6PM and the games begin at 7PM!
Game Play:
Each table will play bingo with the players at their own table. Players that win a round of bingo get to steal a gift from someone else at the table and this continues until all of the bingo boards are completed. 


DONATIONS are also being accepted through March 24th.

We are asking for donations of all kinds for our gift basket auction, in short, anything that you would love to get in a gift basket. All donations can be dropped off to Eve Craven at 18 Hemlock Street.


Mary Kobus and Eve Craven are our chairpersons this year so please contact them with donations and or any questions at or 347-512-3051 or or 908-902-0687. 



Click below to download and print the registration form today.



Raritan High School
Marching Band

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